Isnin, 28 Januari 2013

Top Five Myths about Body Fat

Hope that the articles may benefit many of us.

For all the time we spend thinking about how to get rid of it, body fat is probably one of the most misunderstood tissues in the human body. We pinch and pull at it, wishing it would just go away, as if it were just some extra unnecessary ‘stuff’ that serves little purpose - other than to act as a reminder that we’re out of shape or eating too much. With so few people having a clear understanding of what body fat actually is, why they even have it in the first place, and what they can (and can’t) do to get rid of it – it’s time to bust a few myths about body fat.

• If you don’t exercise, your muscle will turn to fat. It certainly seems that way – you stop exercising for a while, and pretty soon your taut and toned muscles start to feel like foam rubber. Strength training does build and repair muscle, so when you quit working out, your muscle fibers do shrink. And, you can start to store little bits of fat in between the muscle fibers – so you definitely feel a lot softer. But muscle and fat cells aren’t interchangeable. Just as you can’t turn a bone cell into a nerve cell, or a red blood cell into skin cell, muscle tissue can’t ‘turn into’ fat.

• You can target where you want to lose your body fat. Spot-reducing – trying to get rid of fat in just one part of the body – simply doesn’t happen. Yes, if you do a lot of exercise that targets the abdominal muscles or the legs, you’ll tone the muscles underneath – and that will make you look slimmer. But when you lose body fat, you lose it pretty much uniformly. If you start out heavy and curvy and then lose weight, you’ll still have curves. And if you’re built more ‘straight up and down’ -without much of a waistline – you won’t suddenly get one, no matter how many situps you do. When you lose body fat, your silhouette will be more or less the same. Only smaller.

• Fat cells are just a place to store fat. Up until relatively recently, it was generally thought that fat cells were pretty much just bags of fat – a place to stockpile excess calories. Far from it. Fat cells are now known to produce a number of hormones – chemical messengers that are released into the bloodstream, sending signals to other parts of the body that can have far-ranging effects on health. And it doesn’t just sit there – fat is constantly moving in and out of cells depending on what the body needs.

• You should try to get your body fat as low as possible. While it is certainly true that having excess body fat can put your health at risk, you do need to have some. As much as body fat is something we ‘love to hate’, it does serve some important functions. In addition to producing vital hormones, fat stores fat-soluble vitamins, provides insulation from heat and cold, and provides padding around vital organs and even the soles of the feet. Healthy body fat levels are around 15% for men and 22% for women.

• Fat weighs less than muscle. You hear this all the time, but technically it’s not correct. A pound is a pound – whether it’s a pound of fat, a pound of muscle or a pound of feathers. It’s more correct to say that fat is less dense than muscle – which means that a pound of fat takes up more space in the body than a pound of muscle. That’s why people who are really muscular often weigh more than you might think – their bodies are densely packed with a lot of muscle weight crammed into a small volume.

~ Written by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD.

Jumaat, 11 Januari 2013

Invited Post

ayie jutawan
Ayie atau nama sebenarnya Mohd Khairuddin B Tajan.Berumur 34 tahun, sudah berkahwin dan mempunyai 4 org anak. Ayie seorang yg happy go lucky, ramai kawan dan mudah menegur org. Ayie pernah berjaya satu ketika dulu tapi Ayie lupa daratan. Allah tarik nikmatnya sekelip mata, Ayie hilang arah dan tujuan. Ayie hanya selalu fikirkan tentang masalah. Dah berbagai kerjaya yang Ayie dah buat tapi masih tidak dapat menemui apa yang Ayie cari selama ini.

Berniaga runcit, restoran, MLM, money game, judi soccer dan byk lagi.. Suka tolong org, tp tak tau cara nk tolong org.. Ayie memilih bidang insuran utk mencapai impian tp tak dapat menjiwai diri sendiri. Tertekan dan hilang arah.Dlm insuran Ayie mulai takut menegur org sebab keyakinan pada diri dah takde.Niat semasa buat insuran hanya mahu komisen. Ayie dah tak seperti ayie yang sebenarnya. Sehinggga menjumpai Herbalife segalanya berubah.

Satu thn Ayie dalam keputusan sama ada mahu meneruskan kerjaya insuran atau Herbalife. Membuat perbandingan pada berbagai aspek. Ayie mulakan dgn part time dan mula rasakan Herbalife seiring dgn jiwa Ayie. Hari pertama keluar jumpa prospect, Ayie memikirkan tiada org berminat dgn produk Herbalife. Ayie mulakan pergi ke rumah jiran (pakcik Sulaiman) yg mengidap strok. Dgn pengalaman dan ilmu Ayie dlm insuran, Ayie terangkan kebaikan Herbalife. Izin Allah, pakcik Sulaiman beli produk Herbalife dlm lingkungan Rm300++. Ayie mulakan rasakan sesuatu kelebihan yg dikurniakan Allah pd diri yg boleh meyakinkan org lain pada kebaikan. Ayie teruskan dgn rumah kedua dgn niat hanya utk membantu (pakcik Karim) yg mengidap masalah tulang. Tanpa dijangka, pakcik Karim juga bersetuju menggunakan produk Herbalife dgn belian Rm300++ juga. Teruja dgn penerimaan org ramai, serta momentum yg ada, Ayie berjaya mendapat beberapa lg pelanggan (pakcik Ali, cikgu Mat dan Wak Akmal). Ayie cuma fikir nak tolong orang.Ayie hanya enjoy dgn pergi jumpa orang tanpa memikirkan tentang jualan. Ayie yakin dgn menolong org Allah akan membalas dgn perkara kebaikan.

Setiap pagi lepas hantar anak ke sekolah Ayie akan terus pergi kerumah pakcik Karim utk tolong beliau lakukan latihan berjalan sebab pakcik Karim dah 3 tahun tak boleh berjalan. Sekarang pakcik Karim dah mula boleh melangkah. Ayie gembira bila org kampung mula menceritakan tentang Ayie menolong org kampung dgn Herbalife.
Balik dari ZERO TO HERO Ayie membuat keputusan inilah kerjaya yg dicari selama ini utk mencapai segala impian Ayie .Walau pun Ayie ada byk masalah hutang dan anak 4 org yang ditangung, Ayie hanya berfikiran positif. Ayie yakin Allah sentiasa bersamanya.Setiap kali Ayie down semasa mendapat rejection dan hilang arah, Ayie akan mainkan cd Mahir Zain (INSYAALLAH). Ayie akan nyanyikan lagu itu utk motivasikan diri utk teruskan menolong org.Sekarang Ayie full time dlm Herbalife.

Dan setakat ini Ayie dah lahirkan 3 komited downline. Ayie dapat rasakan byk rezeki yg tanpa disangka2 dlm Herbalife. Ayie pergi ke masjid2 utk mengedarkan flyer dan pasar minggu.Tanpa rasa malu dgn hanya niat mahu menolong org Ayie buat saja apa yg sepatutnya. Beritahu orang saja.Samada orang itu mahu atau tidak itu tidak penting bagi Ayie. Yang penting Ayie dah beritahu tentang benda baik (Herbalife). Dimana saja Ayie pergi Ayie akan tanya orang tentang kesihatan diri orang itu dan kesihatan diri orang sekelilingnya. Alhamdulilah Ayie jumpa siapa diri Ayie yang sebenarnya.

Ayie kini komited dgn bersama2 mengasaskan Kelab Nutrisi MySihat123 di pekan Alor Gajah. InsyaAllah, impian Ayie akan lebih jelas bila pulang dari Spectacular nanti.

Jom tolong sama2 doakan kejayaan Ayie dalam misi Herbalife...terima kasih..wasallam